I came across this picture the other day when I was looking at some other comics and I thought it was hilarious. The website is explosm.net and they create a new strip everyday. They have some really funny ones; however, this is one of the only examples I could find pertaining to this class. The reason I like this comic is because I never realized just how much texting and using abbreviations changes the meaning of what a person is trying to say. Here we have the famous line "I'll be back" from the terminator using abbreviations and it just does not have the same ring to it. It almost makes the phrase seem kind of wimpy. It is not even in all caps so there is no firmness behind it like there normally is. Some people think texting is going to be the downfall of our generation; however, I do not think they could be more wrong. Texting is a comfortable medium for those who have trouble socializing in person and it provides an easy way to send messages such as "I'm going to the store, be home later" instead of having to call the person. Also, it is a form of writing whether it is a form you choose to agree with or disagree with, it is still a way of projecting thoughts. The only complaint I have against avid texters is when they do it while driving on the highway beside me! There is a time to text and a time to refrain from doing so. If your texting puts other people's lives in danger, then I think its a given that you should not text. Other than that, I have no issues and I say go for it if it makes you happy.
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